Thursday, 12 July 2018

Back Pain Relieving Procedures to Help you live freely your life back again

There is immense increase in the number of people working 9 to 7 in an office, sitting down on a chair all day long. Extended sitting especially in a poor posture results in back problems, particularly in the lower back. More than 80 percent of people in Australia are found being suffered with the problems of lower back pain. In most of the cases, this is caused because of the strain to the back muscles and ligaments. The back pain is better treated through a mixture of rest, improved posture, using ergonomic equipment, physiotherapy and if much complicated through a back surgery in Balmain.

Since lower back pain when becomes serious can lead to more serious problems that affects your spine at last. It is because the weaker back muscles can add excess pressure onto your spinal discs, contributing to your spinal injury. Always make sure you sit, sleep and stand in a good posture, as bad posture might result in many spinal deformities such as Scheuermann's Disease also known as a hunch back.  This further causes secondary complication such as herniated discs or pinched nerves.
Not only the poor posture but also the weakened bone structures from conditions such as osteoporosis leading to spinal fractures. 

Here S3C have listed three major procedures for relieving back injuries. Let’s have a look on these below points which needs to consider for back pain treatment balmain and rozelle
· Nucleoplasty for a slipped disc: The spinal cord of a human is made up of 26 bones that are cushioned by discs. If anything i.e. an injury or weakness happens to the spine or back can cause the inner portion of the spinal disc to extend through the outer ring, resulting into slipped or herniated disc. While the pain or injuries to slipped disc can be treated efficiently with the help of exercises that stretch and strengthen the back and the muscles surrounded to it. The orthopaedic surgeons or the doctors can prescribe surgery of your back in case your symptoms do not subside within six weeks or in case the slipped disc affects your muscular functions.

· Spinal osteotomy for spine deformity and lower back pain: It is an option where even non-surgical treatments fail to relieve the pain or symptoms. The procedure is used by various back pain surgeons and is recommended by them for the patients whose deformity is either progressing or the spinal curvature is contributing to the nerve compression. It is technically demanding procedure that requires careful consideration and supervision of a trusted spinal surgeon. The spinal osteotomy is needed for correction in case of a rigid, fixed and severe spinal deformity in order to felicitate corrective re-alignment.

· Spinal fusion for degenerated discs: This back surgery in Balmain is designed to stop motion at a painful vertebral segment which might decrease the pain generated from the joint. This procedure is recommended for the patients who suffer from degenerated discs or other conditions wherein the spine is not working properly and is moving abnormally. Other conditions that can be treated by spinal fusion surgery including a weak and unstable spine, fractures, scoliosis and deformity.

Back Pain Surgery

A patient is made capable to wake up and walk by the end of the first day after he is treated with any of these three procedures. And further the person can resume his work within a period of three to six weeks, depending on the body’s healing power and the type of the work or the activity you intend. Most of the orthopaedic surgeons truly believe that all of these treatments not only helps a person to relieve his back pain but also helps them to get rid of such pain for life. 

Sydney Spine and Sports Centre in Balmain and Rozelle offers chiropractic services that can help you get rid of your medical issues with lower back or neck or whatever related to spine or  your musculoskeletal system using the pain free and non-surgical i.e. chiropractic and physiotherapy techniques.

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